Hi Bill. Well after looking at the price of real estate and home rental in Brandon I decided the area was not for me.The weather is not as nice as we have this time of year.
I tried to go direct to Medicine Hat but had to climb very high and the weather there was what I have been experiencing.
I have had enough of the Ice and Fog for now so I diverted toward Saskatoon which as reported as Clear and I was in the mood for clear. I took almost 3 hours to get to that clear though. From Saskatoon to Red Deer was great, even had a nice tail wind, but now I have the hills to play with and it looks like we will have some issues there as well.
Its nice to have the bulk of this trip in the rear view mirror
Leaving Brandon
"almost 3 hours"
Refuel and warming up at Saskatoon
Finally Red Deer on Final
Late afternoon, Red Deer